Five Tips to Speed Up Your Metabolism
Oooo, SIS. Do I ever get CRANKY when ladies start the comparison game.
I’m so grateful to have a fabulous community on the socials and we hardly ever see this. But it seems the big world loves to pit women against each other as if there is not health and confidence to go around.
The SIS community is all about building each other up. It is the best! But that doesn’t mean we have everything in common! Everyone’s definition of, and journey to, a healthy lifestyle is different.
All of this to say, I’m talking METABOLISM.
Everyone has a different metabolism, or rate that your body uses up the fuel you feed it. The textbook answer is that everyone has a different metabolism based on their
Age (Mamas of teens know this!)
Height and weight
Sex (You learned this the hard way if your male partner dropped weight making just one tiny change!)
You could plug these factors into a calculator and it would spit out how many calories to consume in a day. But that would leave a lot missing!
Genetics: What are your relatives like in stature?
Hormones: Childbirth, menopause, and stress can all mess with the hormones that manage your metabolism.
Medical conditions and medication to treat them
History: If you have crash-dieted in the past, your body might not trust that you are going to feed it well and can hold on to calories to prepare for another “famine.”
Yes, there is a lot out of our control in regards to metabolism. But there are things you can do to rev up your metabolism too!
This week’s download freebie highlights five ways to speed your metabolism. I’d like to focus on the first one because it still surprises SIS newbies!
Eat enough calories.
Eat when you feel hungry.
Don’t. Skip. Meals.
Toxic diet culture has us believing that less is more which is so not true.
I’m thankful to live in a society when our challenge is TOO MUCH food, but that has only happened in recent history. As our bodies got to where they are today, our ancestors had to struggle through times of no food. When food was scarce our bodies went into famine mode: Storing food as fat and making us feel tired so we didn’t loose too many calories through movement.
What are you telling your body when you give it no food?
Yikes, amiright?!
Give your body a strong supportive message of “I’m going to feed you small frequent meals forever and ever!”
(More on the small frequent meals, plus three more tips for revving your metabolism at the link below)