My Favorite Women-Owned Businesses

Raise your hand if you are like me and love to shop AND support women-owned businesses?

gif of hands raising

I’ve put together a list of my favorites! Because what’s better than ladies supporting ladies??

Not long ago, the idea of a female entrepreneur managing her own company would have seemed crazy. Women have fought against discrimination and gender inequality for decades. It’s been long overdue that we make decisions for ourselves that directly impact our life and future.


In the last 20 years, the amount of female business owners has increased by 114% which is a-freaking-mazing!

To help you shop and support women-owned biz too, I’ve compiled a list of a few of my all-time FAVORITE women-owned businesses.

The businesses featured on my list range from clothing, home décor, giftables, to coffee and so much more.


More than half of the featured companies are women that I have come to know personally, and I am passionate about sharing their stories. Being involved with these women is empowering for myself as an entrepreneur and for ya’ll that also enjoy spreading the love with small-businesses!



Click the link below to get the full list of female owned businesses so you can support them today.


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