30-Day Breakfast Meal Plan

Good morning SIS, what’s for breakfast?

Does anyone else wake up completely RAVENOUS? Or are you more of a hangry-at-10-and-reach-for-literally-anything?

Either way, it’s best to plan ahead for how you’re going to BREAK your FAST after catching those Zzzzzs. 

Psss… If you missed it, here’s last week’s post about my morning routine for health, wealth, and happiness.

This week I’m sharing my top ten options for a macro-friendly, meal-prepped breakfast.

Don’t be confused, these aren’t ranked into ten options. They are all number one!

Scroll to the bottom of the post and click the button to have TEN breakfast recipes delivered to your email ASAP. You’ll find a photo and instructions for each recipe mentioned and a printable calendar for an entire MONTH of breakfast meal prep plans.

Let’s take a look at our winners.

Best breakfast for a crowd: Baked breakfast sausage & cheese omelet

This recipe serves 6, or it feeds you six times.

Best caffeinated morning brew: PB banana cold brew protein shake

This is exactly as wonderful as it sounds. It feels so indulgent but is packed with nutrition, and, very importantly, coffee.

Best option when you can’t bother to sit with a spoon: Raspberry peach protein shake

So annoying that you can’t find good raspberries and peaches year round! Not to worry, this recipe uses frozen options for both.

Best warm bowl: Strawberry & rhubarb oatmeal

Again with the frozen fruit options, although strawberry and rhubarb season is right around the corner! Even with the sweet additions, this bowl is protein and fiber packed with the addition of chia seeds and protein powder.

Best cold bowl: Cinnamon roll overnight oats

It feels so 2010 to share overnight oats, but some folks still haven’t tried them! Definitely opt in for this week’s freebie, but I’ll spill my secrets here: 1 part each greek yogurt, milk, and old-fashioned oats. Add all the good stuff. Refrigerate overnight (or all week!) Enjoy!

Best sub for a fast food breakfast sandwich: Mini bagel breakfast sandwiches

I’ve shared my favorite macro-friendly fast food meals, but with recipes like this, honestly, why bother?

Best make-ahead breakfast sandwich (Seriously!): Croissant breakfast sandwiches

This is like, Panera good. But you can pull it from your freezer!

Best dessert to start the day: Strawberry cheesecake protein shake

Strawberry. Cheesecake. For breakfast. Enough said!

Best air-fryer friendly option: Tortilla breakfast wrap

Not that a breakfast wrap is terribly hard to cook, but I kind of like not worrying if I shut off my stove top, right?

Best on-the-go bite: Egg white bites

I shared my favorite tool for making egg bites in my kitchen favorites post, but if you are without an Instant Pot, these are easy to cook in a normal ol’ muffin tin.

Are you ready to get cookin’? Click the button below for your 30-Day Breakfast Meal Plan


Prepped + Packed Lunches


My Morning Routine for Health, Wealth, and Happiness